In the past week or so, I've made some amazing connections, re: exploring treatment options and finding a group of women/people who "get" PSD/SPD/PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain - apparently, this is the most recent name for this condition, with or without a rupture of the pubic symphysis).
* Pelvic Partnership ( This is a non-profit group out of the UK. They provide TONS and TONS of great information on their site, re: symptoms, treatment, sex, pelvic floor muscles, going back to work, tips for sleeping, sitting, driving - the list is endless. I found their page via Facebook. So far, the biggest take-away I've gotten is this statement: "The good news is that because PGP is a mechanical joint problem, it does respond well to manual therapy." Hmmm. As I've been exploring my options for starting osteopathic treatment (in addition to PT), this really resonated with me. Stay tuned for more there.
* The closed Facebook group, "Diastasis Symphysis Pubis/Pelvic Instability: Separated Pelvis Group" : What an outstanding group of women. I've learned more about PGP from this forum than any medical provider to date. This is what I've been looking for, if subconsciously - someone, anyone, who really understands how I'm feeling, both physically and emotionally. I was alerted to this group's existence by Lexi, who commented on one of my recent posts here on Blogger (thanks, Lexi!). This group has a range of members: ladies who experienced PGP during pregnancy, ladies who had a rupture of the PS during pregnancy, ladies who had a rupture of the PS during delivery, ladies who are pregnant and starting to experience PGP, etc. It was within this forum that I really found the final push I needed to start pursuing OMT treatment in earnest. I suppose I've been hesitant to explore other treatment options due to a fear of "striking out", of these treatments not improving my condition. However, with my return to work coming up in mid-August, I think it's time to get back on the horse and keep moving!
OK - off to see if little R will nap in his crib. We're slowly transitioning him there from his cradle, and so far, he's a bit freaked by all the space the crib has to offer! Wish us luck -
Hi Hayly, I've been meaning to write you for some time now and finally getting around to it. My name is Tamara and I too am Overcoming PSD post birth. I state overcoming, because I plan on getting back to my normal ways activities. I wanted to reach out to you to give you some insight on my progress and let you know there is light at the end of this tunnel. I recently gave birth to my precious son Amir on 7/18/16 making me 7 weeks post partum at this time. I was overwhelmed with so much emotions giving birth to him naturally and at home just as I wanted, but my plan for water birth did not pan out. None the less he was absolutely perfect, but moments after when it was time for me to get moving I noticed excruciating pain near my pubis symphysis and as if my hips were going to collapse when trying to stand, turn in bed, go up/down stairs, and walk. I was devastated and confused about what was going on. Here I am just conquering a birth and yet I can hardly move around. The first couple of days it felt like a dark cloud over my head as I researched the prognosis of women with Pubic Symphysis Diastasis. The reviews were not uplifting as I noticed most women months or years later still dealing with issues of walking, being bound to crutches/walker/cane, etc. It seemed as if many of these women were not getting the help needed or health professionals not knowing how to help them. I cried and fell into a bit of depression, because I thought I would not be able to walk normal again, or be able to be the active person I was before for my child. I was always an on the go active person and having family members to step in and be my legs and hands to care of every day activities and take care of my newborn was devastating. I knew I just gave birth, but I should at least be able to walk without dragging my foot or require 2 individuals to help me stand or walk. As a physical therapist myself I had not dealt with a condition such as this and didn’t know what the outcome would be for me, but I knew I was going to get some answers.
ReplyDeleteMy midwife suggested seeing a chiropractor for an adjustment as she had seen a case like this before. Initially, I thought I needed to go to ER or contact my primary to get a referral to an orthopedic and a women's health Physical Therapist whom is familiar with such cases. Then I thought about the run around I would receive and the amount of time it would take to convince them that I needed an xray ( estimated 2-3 weeks, what a shame). I literally tested this theory an tried to make an appt with my primary and explaining to the secretary at the time what I was going through and basically need to see her for an x-ray to confirm my PSD and for the referrals (insurance process). The secretary replied " You just gave birth a few days ago give it some time ". I shook my head and replied, " I'm a PT, I know my body, something is not right, and I would like to get the ball rolling with ortho and a specialized PT. From there she made the appt. After that moment I knew going this route would slow my progress down. I soon agreed that I probably should see a chiropractor, at least I would get an xray on the spot and also because I felt as if my pelvis was misaligned. Needless to say I made the appt and disregarded seeing my Primary Doctor.
To be cont. not enough space
By the end of week 2 postpartum I saw the Chiro. During the chiro appt on X-ray we saw the 2.5cm separation. By this time I was struggling to walk with a rolator ( four wheeled walker with seat), she was actually surprised I was even able to walk at all with such separation. In addition, to the separation we note the L hip misaligned and requiring adjustments. However, I was not able to get into the side-lying position to get the adjustment needed at my pelvis, because of the pain felt with turning so she tried small pubis adjustments laying on my tummy and back, then adjusted my entire spine. I felt a little relief of my upper body, probably from all the tension created. I left the chiro feeling a little hope towards recovery as she did give some insight on dealing with such case before, however just not with the amount of separation as mine. We agreed that day that we needed regular adjustments to correct my alignment for proper healing. That night I went home feeling I need to figure out a way to get onto my side so that during my next visit she can adjust me the right way. I just knew getting the proper adjustment for my Sacroiliac jts would make a world of a difference. So I figured it out by having a binder around my hips, near my knees, and ankle to help keep my entire body together to roll onto my side with the least amount of pain. I saw the Chiro the very next day revealing how to get on to my side. At first I was a little nervous that it would make the separation worst, but then I relaxed and reminded myself this is what's needed to heal. With a quick thrust (POP, CRRrraack) and then turning me onto my other side for the same, I FELT Sooooooo much relief. The pain with walking went from 8 to a 5/10, I was able to make better strides, and lift one foot a bit better standing for at least 3sec at a time. That appt gave me so much hope to cont with adjustments, but I knew without the strengthening of my core and legs the adjustments would not be enough. So I made myself my own patient and made sure to perform the necessary exercises needed. In addition, following the advice of my fellow PT of using a sacroiliac belt for pelvic binder for support.
DeleteBy week 3 of following my exercises daily and seeing the chiro I ditched the walker, but still used the binder to get around. My walk was not perfect, but I was able to manage walking 10mins at a time before taking short breaks, stand to cook, and go up/down stairs with one hand or none. A follow up xray revealed .5cm decrease in separation. Week 5: I ditched the binder around the house, stairs was a breeze, but was only able to walk for an hour or so. Week 6: I was able to ditch the belt for support completely and worked on endurance activities. I was able to get on a stationary bike for 20 mins, elliptical for 10 mins, and walk on treadmill for 10mins. Coming to the end of this 7th week, I'm feeling 80% towards my normal activities. I am performing more stability and endurance exercises, and dropped down to seeing the chiro 1x/wk. I feel by the next 2 months going at a slow pace of strengthening I would be back to my normal routine. I share this with you to give you hope. I am really blessed to be at this point of recovery so soon, and I know it is because of the actions I took on earlier. I highly recommend finding a Chiropractor or Physical therapist experienced in this condition whom will make the necessary adjustments needed if that is an issue for you. In addition, finding a PT that will stress the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor, core muscles, and emphasize a gait/balance program for you. I can go on and on about my recovery, hopefully this much has given you hope for the future. Dealing with this first hand I know the toll its takes on you physically, emotionally, and mentally. If there is any thing I can help with PLEASE let me know.
Best of Luck,
Tamara! Thank you so much for writing in! I am now almost 7 months PP, and am VERY excited to see my new, pelvic PT next week. I have officially ditched my old, well meaning but ineffective PT. Also, next week I am starting OMT in addition to PT, so hopefully I, too, will begin to see my healing process speed up. This quote from your response really resonated with me, as it's exactly what I've found, too, while dealing with this condition: "It seemed as if many of these women were not getting the help needed or health professionals not knowing how to help them." - so sad, but so very accurate. Stay tuned for an update on this end. xo!
DeleteAwesome!!! Make sure to ask about a Sacroiliac belt for stability around the pelvic. I'm no longer using mine, but it made a world of a difference with initially walking without the walker. As for your first PT, he/she ay have just been clueless on the prognosis of such condition as I was, because we aren't taught much about it in school and don't get much experience in the clinics. Usually those PTs whom have gone into furthering their career in women's health would have more experience with this condition. In addition, it's a matter of most MDs also catching it ahead of time and not linking the issue with just giving birth so just give it time, which in turn prolongs treatment and further more getting to the right professionals. I'm rooting for ya with this new PT that you get the proper treatment, just understand that 70% of your healing would be from how much work you put in outside of your treatments. If you need to message me for any additional help, feel free to contact by email ... I'm on Facebook as Tamara Sawyers or IG as Dr.fitsique ...
ReplyDeleteGood luck